Wednesday, December 19, 2007

29: Mark Lanegan

I'm not gonna waste much words on the guy,
if you've never heard of him:GOOGLE the man :-)

I just think he has a GREAT voice, I first "met him" on the
and ever since I try to keep track of his outings...

It has become a decent collection,
though I have not all the albums he performs on. (duh...)
I grabbed a few tracks that go well with this fantastic poster above.

1. Desert Sessions - Hanging Tree (3:13)
2. Mad Season - Long Gone Day (4:52)
3. Mark Lanegan - Carry Home (2:59)
4. Mark Lanegan - I'll Take Care of You (2:50)
5. Mark Lanegan - Shiloh Town (3:22)
6. Mark Lanegan - Consider Me (3:49)
7. Mark Lanegan - Boogie Boogie (2:04)
8. Mark Lanegan - Death Don't Have No Mercy (3:28)
9. Soulsavers - No Expectations (8:26)
10. Soulsavers - Revival (4:11)


  1. Briljant! Don't forget: 28-2 Mark Lanegan & Greg Dulli live in A'dam. Live With Me van the Twilight Singers is overigens ook een Lanegan aanradertje..

  2. Thanks fot the info & links.. Buena música por aquí.. Agrego tu blog a fav.



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